Proceedings of Francophone Multidisciplinary Colloquium on Materials, Environment and Electronics
Aim and Scope
The revue „Proceedings of francophone multidisciplinary colloquium on materials, environment and electronics” is a scientific revue edited under the aegis of the University „Vasile Alecsandri” from Bacău, by Alma Mater Editor from Bacău and it is issued by the Engineering Faculty, Department of Energetics, Mechatronics and Computer Science.
The review aims to be a debate forum of the most recent theoretical and experimental studies on the news and challenges of perspective in one of the following topics (but is not limited only to these topics):
- Materials;
- Environment;
- Mechatronics;
- Computers and Information Technology;
- Power Engineering;
- Electronics.
The revue is indexed in the following international databases:
• Index Copernicus
The revue „Proceedings of francophone multidisciplinary colloquium on materials, environment and electronics” providing a platform for the researchers, academicians, professionals, francophone (but is not limited), to impart and share knowledge in the form of high quality research papers.
The Scientific Advisory Board, that assures the review of the articles, is formed from national and internationally recognized personalities in our field: at national level (17 members) and from abroad (14 members). Our peer-reviewed articles are written by internationally respected scientists, researchers and practitioners with exceptional results.
Publishing languages: abstracts, tiles, keywords - English and contents - English or French.
Issue frequency: annual from 2013 onwards
Code |
ISSN 2343-9092 ISSN-L 2343-9092 |
Chief Editor |
George CULEA, „Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, Cornel ANTON (RO), Delia ARNAUD-CORMOS (FR),Patrick LEPRAT (FR) |
Editorial Production Board |
Marius Angheluț, Roxana Buzdugă "Vasile Alecsandri" University of Bacău-România |
Editorial Office |
ALMA MATER Publishing House
Department of Energetics, Mechatronics and Computer Science
Calea Mărăşeşti 157, RO-600115 BACAU, ROMANIA
Tel: +40 234 542 411; Fax: +40 234 580 170; E-mail: gculea@ub.ro |
(issues list) |