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Proceedings of Francophone Multidisciplinary Colloquium on Materials, Environment and Electronics

Instructions for Authors

Language: Papers will be published in either French, American or British English.
Title of the paper: all caps, bold, centered, 20 mm below upper margin, one column 130 mm width, font Times Roman 12 pts. Enter 2 clear lines after title.
Author(s) last and first name (without title or profession): all caps, bold, centered, on one centered column 130 mm width, font Times Roman, 10 pts. Enter 1 clear line after authors.
Affiliation: italics, upper and lower cases, centered, on one centered column 130 mm width, font Times Roman, 10 pts. Enter 2 clear lines after affiliation.
Abstract: The abstract should contain 50 - 100 words, on one centered column of 130 mm width, font Times Roman, 10 pts, justified. Enter 2 clear lines after abstract.
Keywords: 3-10 keywords, on one centered column of 130 mm width, font Times Roman, 10 pts, left aligned. Enter 3 clear lines after keywords.
Chapter titles: all caps, bold, left aligned, font Times Roman, 10 pts numbered in Arabs. Enter one clear line after title.
Subtitles: decimal numbering (i.e. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,) left aligned, bold, Times Roman, 10 pts.
Sub subtitles: decimal numbering (i.e. 1.1.1., 1.1.2., 1.1.3.,) left aligned,italic, Times Roman, 10 pts. Paragraphs should be typed with no indentation, in Times Roman, 10 pts., single spaced, justified. The paper should be written on standard A4 (297 x 210 mm) sheets, with 25 mm (left-right) and 35 mm (top-bottom) margins. Enter one clear line between paragraphs, and two clear lines between paragraph’s end and the next title.
Figures: included in text, numbered in Arabs. Each figure should have a caption placed below the picture, centered, Times Roman 10 pts. Use high quality pictures and drawings, black and white only. All illustrations should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper. Example: Fig. 1, Fig. 2 , etc.
Tables: included in text, numbered in Arabs. Each table should have a caption placed above the table, centered, Times Roman 10 pts. Example: Table 1.
Equations: centered, numbered in brackets ( ), flush right, one line above and one line below.
Equation editor: Normal: 12 pt; Subscript/superscript: 9 pt; Sub-subscript: 8 pt; Symbol: 13 pt; Sub-symbol: 11 pt. Use fractional form of terms, unless the no fractional form is more suggestively. All equations should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper.
References: References should be numbered consecutively (numerals in square brackets) throughout the text. References should be listed in order of citation, at the end of the paper, after one clear line, numbered in square brackets [ ] in Times Roman 10 pts. References will be given in the original language, using only Roman alphabet (use transliteration if necessary). Standard citations for books [1], journal published papers [2], “Proceedings” published papers [3], patents [4], are as follows:
[1] Culea G, Ababei Ş,, Roxana Grigore, The NPN Intelligent Model For Diagnosis Of Mechanic Wear, , volume Artificial Intelligence, 2004, MOCM 10, Volume 2, pag 22-27, ISSN 1224-7480.
[2] I.Vechiu, Modélisation et analyse de l’intégration des énergies renouvelables dans un réseau autonome, Thèse du doctorat, Université du Havre, 2005.
[3] Murariu, G., Dariescu, C., Dariescu, M. A., Interacting fields - a complet analytical solution, Proceedings of the VI-th International Conference “ComTi” Timisoara, Romania, 2003, p. 238-239.
[4] Smith, J., U.S. Patent 8,143,241, 1998.

The Scientific Committee reserves the right to reject those papers that have an improper scientific level, do not fit in the topics or are not edited according to the given instructions.

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