The papers you are proposing should use the following format:
The format of the document is A4 (210x297 mm). The settings for the mirror of the page are 30 mm all margins (Top, Bottom, Left, Right). Please use the Times New Roman (TNR) font type.
The text will include the following sequence of parts:
o Title; TNR 16 Bold, Centered, 36 pts Before, 18 pts After;
o Surname(s) and Name(s) of the author(s); TNR 14 Normal Centered, 18 pts After;
o Author(s) affiliation; TNR 10 Normal, Centered;
o E-mail of the contact author; TNR 10 Normal, Left;
o word Abstract; TNR 11 Bold, Left, 20 pts Before, 11 pts After;
o Abstract contents (100-200 words); TNR 10 Italics, 11 pts After;
o Key words; TNR 11 Bold Leftand 3-5 items, TNR 10 Normal;
o The main text; type font size:
- Headings – TNR 12 Bold, Before 20 pts, After 11 pts;
- Subheadings 1 – 11 pts Bold, 11 pts Before, 6 pts After;
- Subheadings 2 – 11 pts Bold, 11 pts Before, 6 pts After;
- Simple text – TNR 11 Normal, Left – Right, 6 pts After, start a new paragraph by indenting it from the left margin; for the figures and tables, use TNR 10 Normal. Some flexibility of the presentation will be allowed but authors are urged to arrange the subject matter clearly under such headings as: Introduction, Theoretical /Experimental details, Results, Conclusions;
- Illustrations must be placed as close as possible to where they are mentioned in the main text. They must be numbered consecutively (e.g. Fig.1., Fig. 2…) Bold, Centered with caption (TNR 10 normal) and should be placed below figure. All line drawings and photos should be black and white;
- Tables must be numbered consecutively (e.g. Table. 1). Table headings should be placed above the table;
- Equations (placed centered)must be numbered consecutively in round brackets, right alignement;
- References to the literature should be mentioned in the main text (author, year). List these at the very end of your paper (under the heading 'References');
The title (TNR 16 Normal) and abstract in Romanian language (TNR 10 Italics) should be placed at the end of the paper.