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University of Bacău, Calea Mărăşeşti, 157, 600115, Bacău, Romania vpostolica@ambra.ro


Volume 12


The main aim of this report is to set forth a survey of the Romanian Mathematics Education at the present time, following the principal directions of study specified in [3]. Thus, taking into account [1] – [4] and other connected research works, we emphasize some of recent, specific and significant Romanian methods concerning the teaching and learning of Mathematics, starting from pre-school and primary level to the university mathematics education, the role of national and international mathematical competitions, the education of mathematics teachers, the formation of researchers in mathematics, their contributions and perspectives, the mathematics education in society and culture, the technology in mathematics education, the links between research and practice, the topical developments and other related topics .In this context, Mathematics is viewed from the music of reason to the queen of all sciences and now, unanimously recognized, as the foundation of science and technology and the world language of sciences.


pre-universitary mathematics education, school curricula and manuals, national school contests, olympiad and the international olympiad, teachers education, mathematical gazette, mathematical higher education, Bologna process, universitary mathematics, higher education and scientific research, superior normal school, mathematics education in human knowledge and existence.

Code [ID]:

JIPED200812V12S01A0021 [0003537]


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