CP - No. 15 (2010) EditorialAbstracts: 13 records
IOANA BOGHIANThe Ekphrasis of the Victorian House
ELENA BONTA, RALUCA GALIÅ¢ARadiants of Meaning in Constructing Images of National Identity
DOROTA BRZOZOWSKAHumor in Cultural Discourse. Polish Jokes about China and Japan
BORIS GUBMANSecular and Religious Worldviews and Democratic Modernization
ANGELA ANNA IULIUCCIDo not Simply Call them Alphabet Books
TAMAR MEBUKEIntertextuality as a Problem of Culturology
ALINA ANDREEA MIUExtratextuality in Literary Translation. A Case Study: Edgar Allan Poe’s The Masque of the Red Death
NADIA MORÄ‚RAÅžUThe Signifying Values of Additional and Substitute Names in Contemporary Romanian Celebrity Culture
ECATERINA PĂTRAŞCUExperimenting Cultures in Kiran Desai’s The Inheritance of Loss
MARIA N. POPOVACommunication, Recognition, Understanding
SAEID RAHIMIPOURThe Quest for Self in Samuel Beckett’s Drama
VALENTINA STÃŽNGÄ‚Terrorist Violence as a Signifying Practice in the Cultural Discourse of Postmodernity
ERIK VOGTAgainst Ethicizing Art? Badiou and Rancière