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Radiants of Meaning in Constructing Images of National Identity

“Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, Romania


CP, Number 15


No. 15 (2010)  Editorial


The problem of identity, be it personal or collective, is of great importance in a world that faces the process of globalization. Individuals and nations are interested in defining themselves, in finding similarities and differences with the others around.

The paper is an empirical study on the radiants of meaning in constructing Romanian national identity in young adults from “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău. It is following closely Donald Carnbaugh`s classification of radiants of meaning in cultural discourse (2007). It is also meant to put to test the conception regarding national identity as developed by Wodak, Cillia, Liebhart, and Reisigl (2009) and to discuss outcomes for Romanian national identity images.

The outcomes of the quantitative study resulted from word/phrase completion tasks and, in the absence of a well-defined Social Identity Theory of National Identity, the study draws on social identity approaches, having as framework the Social Identity Theory and the Self-categorization Theory. The core components of these theories help us identify radiants of meaning in the images of national identity. By examining them, we notice their cognitive, behavioral, ethnic, cultural, evaluative and affective components that trigger equivalent meanings and content, in a fully integrated view on the national identity.


social identity, nation, national identity, radiants of meaning, social identity approaches.

Code [ID]:

CP201015V00S01A0002 [0003324]