This article presents an experimental study regarding the behavior of a ball-shaped polyethylene solid particle in vertical air channel. To this effect, we used a laboratory stand, an aerodynamic screen with vertical air flow, and a high-speed camera to study the behavior of the solid particle. The recoding speed of this measurement was 500 framesâsec-1. During this assessment, the movement direction of the solid particle within the vertical air flow was not taken into account, i.e. the particle moved either in the same direction with the air flow or in the opposite direction. After the video recording analysis, a series of physical data of the solid particle have been identified, such as: average travelling speed, distance covered by the solid particle, tracing time, angular speed of the solid particle and its rotation. It has been observed that aforementioned data are in strict accordance with the variation of the speed of the air flow passing through the ascending vertical air channel.