Globalization – prevailing feature of our century - imposes a collaboration between different cultures. The selection of the individual in globalisation advantage is determined also by the promotion of an unification created of units, concepts, cultural values.
The period of the myth’s appearance and its survival, its extension in different spaces offers some kind of mutations which don’t destroy the axis of its essence, although, sometimes we certify that its image is in opposition and transferred into reflection, having an authentic connotation.
The connections which are elucidated in myth by the critique are: reality – dream, conscious – unconscious, personality – society, the punishment of the innocent, compassion – pity, death like an obligation – the desire to live etc.
The interconnection between reality and the lyrical ego is also marked by the poet A. Suceveanu in the different and diversified semiotic of Don Quixote, who doesn’t keep behaviour of the sad figure knight, but receives a new image of the profitable man. |