Abstract: | Suceava county is located in the northern, north-east extremity of Romania, in the north part of Moldavia, in the upper catchment of the Siret and BistriĂľa rivers.
The county has an area of 8553 square kilometres, representing 3.6 % of Romania’s area, being the second large county of Romania.
The relief is varied: Mountains, plateaus, hills, intramountain and intrahills depressions, valleys etc. The mountain zone covers about two thirds of the county’s area. To the east of mountain zone, there is the Suceava Plateau, which covers about one third of the county’s area. The Suceava Plateau is divided into two plateaus. The Dragomirna Plateau (altitude 300-525 m) and the Fãlticeni Plateau (altitude 400 - 481m).
The Climate is temperat – continental with a cooler character because of the northen geographical position of the county and of the predominantly mountain relief. Because of the relief and altitude, the annual average temperature of the air varies between 0º and 8º C. 0º C on the high peaks of the mountains; about 2º C in the middle mountains ;5º C in depressions, and 8º C in the Suceava Plateau.
The annual average amount of precipitations varies altitudinally, from 550 mm in the plateau zone to 800 mm in the subcarpatian hills; and from 1200 mm in the regions of the small and middle –seized mountains to 1400mm on the high mountains.
Within the ecological conditions of the Suceava county, faunistic research on the curculionids published: (THEODOR and DANILA 1994). Results on the ecological aspects concening the epigeic fauna of carabidae in the potato, maize and clover crops, from Suceava county published: (VARVARA, DONESCU, DASCALU, 1999); VARVARA, BRUDEA, 1999, VARVARA, 1999, 2001). The purpose of this paper is to present a synthesis on the alpha diversity of epigeic ground beetles, the variation of their relative abundance, the Shannon index and evenness, the degree of similitude between sites according to Sörrensen’s coefficient and to have a general view on the main ecological requirements, at the level of individuals and coenoses. |