Abstract: | Lake ÂȘtiucii is a natural waterbody situated at 274.5m a.s.l. in the Transylvanian Plateau (Pop 2001). Lake drainage area, measuring 17.5 km2, is part of the BonĂŸ Valley, a tributary to the FizeÂș River, which connects it to the SomeÂșul Mic River, upstream of Gherla. The lake is surrounded by hills with heights between 470 and 520 m, and unlike most of the lakes from the Plain of Transylvania, it has a natural origin. Lake ÂȘtiucii is the deepest lake in the region (ÂȘerban & Sorocovschi 2003), having a maximum depth of 6.8m, but can still be regarded as a shallow lake.
Previous studies concerning Lake ÂȘtiucii biota included mostly algal communities, while ichthyofauna was ignored. This paper represents an attempt to reveal some aspects concerning the structure and characteristics of natural fish populations from Lake ÂȘtiucii, together with their diet with emphasis on zooplanktonic microcrustaceans. |