Abstract: | Macroinvertebrates play an important role in material and energy transfer in aquatic ecosystem, being dominant in trophic structure of water flow. He food sourse, especially in lotic ecosystem, are distributed not uniform so as their location for feeding determined a series of morphological and behaviour adaptation. The approach of the macroinvertebrate feeding behaviour from a functional perspective permitted the understanding of the energetic flow dynamic from the aquatic ecosystem (Vannote et all., 1980). Macroinvertebrates give to the aquatic ecosystem many services as nutrients cycle and sediments aeration in this process of energy transfer maintaing.
It was made a macroinvertebrates classification in accordance with the feeding macanism and functional and morphological adaptation in four feeding functional groups (Cummins and Klug, 1979): shreeder, scraper, collector and predator. Shreeders eat especially the periphyton fixed on the bottom, scraper eat vegetal and wooden parts (diameter >1 mm), collector eat fine organic particles, having specialized anatomic structures, predators can consume the whole prade or just their body containg.
Mayflies and stoneflies have an important role in trophic structure of the nacroinvertebrates community. Fom the trophic level point of view, both groups have detritivores- herbivores species and stoneflies have also carnivorous. |