NICOLESCU ANAMARIA CARMEN, ANDREI MARIN University of Bucharest, Faculty of Biology, Splaiul Independentei, No. 91-95, sector 5, Bucharest, Department of Microbiology and Botany, Romania e-mail:
Fractals are geometric features of known objects with irregular, autosimilare with infinite detail observable at all scales of representation. Measuring the fractal irregularity of contour is given by the fractal dimension (DF), can be calculated by numerical methods and expressed as a specific rational fractional number. From morphofractal analyses of the endemic species it results that they have similar morphological characteristics, expressed by similar fractal dimensions. Because he analysis is performed on different species it doesnât result similar fractal dimensions. We mention that even in the case of the same species there can appear different results between fractal parameters of the studied species the reason being the sozological criteria. The research aimed to fill data to identify different species of endemic plants in the Romanian Carpathians