The purpose of this paper is to realize a
bibliographical study on the way in which fish
species of community interest are protected in
The fish species that are threatened due to
different natural and anthropical activities are
protected according to laws in force, meaning the
Law 13/1993 for the adhesion of Romania to the
Convention on the Conservation of European
Wildlife and Natural Habitats, (Berne
Convention, 19 September 1979) and the Law
462/2001 regarding the Management of Protected
areas and the Conservation of Natural Habitats,
Wild flora and fauna (The Habitats Directive
92/43/EEC and the Birds Directive 79/409/CEE).
From the 273 SCIs (Site of Community Interest)
that came into existence in Romania in 81 SCIs
can be found community interest fish species.
In this study, the distribution of these
species, the number of species that are protected 64
in different sites, the whole number of fish
species of community interest stated in the
Romanian SCIs are presented and analyzed. |