The aim of this study, which was carried
out on the main course of River Gurghiu and on
some of its tributaries over the year 2009. was to
assess the state of the fish communities in the
basin of River Gurghiu, and also to highlight
significant changes in fish communities. 12 native
fish species were found, with an amount of 469
individuals and 4941.5 g. Based on the ecological
indices of the fish associations, two fish zones
were found in the catchment of the River
Gurghiu: brown trout zone and mediterranean
barbel zone.
Biodiversity in the sampling sites is
variable. The highest value of biodiversity index
was found on the main course of the River
Gurghiu in 2009. The biological integrity index
has recorded high values, corresponding with the
first integrity class (excellent) in the most of the
sampling sites. The overall state of the fish
communities in the catchment of River Gurghiu is
very well. Consequently, the fish populations
have a good self-support capacity. |