The statistical study regarding the lethal
poisonings with methanol was done after
consulting the data from the Department of
Forensics of fifteen counties in Romania.
The data include: the number of violent
deaths as a result of methanol poisoning, age, sex,
the origin of the deceased person.
After analyzing the data, it was found that
in Galati, Botosani, Vaslui, Mehedinti and
Bistrita Nasaud there was no lethal poisoning
with methanol; out of the 10 counties that showed
lethal poisoning, in which there were 66 cases,
Bacau was the city with the most cases, 21, and
the least cases were in Suceava, 1 case.
According to sex, the most cases occurred in men,
53 men and 13 women.
According to origin, there were 48 cases in
the rural area as opposed to 18 urban cases.
According to age, between 41 and 50 years there
were 19 cases, followed by 16 cases between 51
and 60 years, the lowest number was registered
between 61 and 70 years with 3 cases. The total
number of cases for each analyzed year,
highlights the year 2006 with 22 cases, with a
fluctuating evolution. |