Abstract: | According to available data, the Get variant where au Sitotroga cerealella Ol. eggs were irradiated with gamma rays of 150 Gy dose and kept within one month, state quality criteria was 2.6 higher, irradiated and stored in within two months – 1.8 times greater, held within three months - by 1.5 times, held within four months - by 1.5 times, held within five months 1.34 times higher, as the witness. The terms of storage are higher, the lower are the biological indices of Trichogramma. Mathematical processing, analysis of variance indicated that the criterion – T. statistics are accurate at the 95%. Static quality criterion Trichogramma difference, multiplied by Sitotroga cerealella Ol. eggs. irradiated were kept five months, further propagation of Trichogramma compared to the control is essential higher (T0,05 = 2.23 |