The side effects of pesticides have been constantly studied, and are the subject of books such as the one written by biologist and journalist Rachel Carson who talked about the negative effects of DDT (Dichlor-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane) on the environment in the book "Silent Spring" (Rachel Carson, 1962), a book that would destroy the fame of DDT. Due to undesirable side effects in 1970, DDT was banned in industrialized countries and since 2004 the "Stockholm Convention" has banned its use in agriculture. The human attitude towards pesticides has two aspects: the protection of consumers against pesticide residues in food and the training of those who produce or handle pesticides in the sense of proper use. Whether it is insecticides, fungicides, or herbicides, we must keep in mind that the dose is what makes the poison. The objective of this paper is to test glyphosate in two groups of test organisms, according to the recommendations of the OECD-Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, respectively on Folsomia candida- (OECD 232) and wheat- (OECD 208). The results obtained after laboratory testing have revealed the harmful effect of this herbicide on wheat at high concentrations (of 5mL/0.25mL water, respectively 7.5mL/0.25mL water), inhibiting the seed germination process as well as the plant growth processesand development and their content in assimilating pigments. Although the mortality rate for adults of F. candida was low, the number of juveniles decreased in direct proportion to the concentration of glyphosate used in the experiment.