MARIA PRISECARU 1, IONUŢ STOICA 1, TATIANA CIUREA 2, DANIELA TIŢĂ 3, OANA FLILIP 3, GABRIEL ALIN IOSOB 4, MARIA CĂLIN 5 1. „Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Marasesti Street, No 157, Bacau, Romania, e-mail: prisecaru_maria@yahoo.com; ionut_stoica23@yahoo.com
2. Bagdasar-Arseni Emergency Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, e-mail: ciurea_t@yahoo.com
3. Bacau Emergency County Hospital, Romania; e-mail: danielatita2007@yahoo.com
4. Doctoral School - „Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau, Marasesti Street, No 157,
Bacau and Vegetable Research and Development Station Bacau, Romania, e-mail: iosob.gabriel@gmail.com
5. Vegetable Research and Development Station Bacau, Calea Barladului, No. 220, Bacau, code: 600388, e-mail: maria_calin@yahoo.com
Over a period of 2 years, between 2017-2019, a study of erythrocyte parameters was performed in 34 patients with megaloblastic anemia. The complete hemoleukogram accompanied by the peripheral blood smear was used as working methods for the study of erythrocyte parameters. Peripheral blood smear investigations Mean erythrocyte volume (VEM) and mean erythrocyte hemoglobin (HEM) are the most pathologically altered erythrocyte indices. The average erythrocyte hemoglobin concentration (CHEM) is an index within relatively normal limits.