ALLA GLADCAIA *, TUDOR NASTAS USM, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection, e-mail address:
* Corresponding authorâs
Currently, adaptive landscape land use is aimed at achieving a more harmonious interaction between man and nature in the process of agricultural production. The fight against individual harmful species at the population level will sooner or later be replaced by the methodology of interrupting biocenotic processes that reduce productivity (epiphytophagic, epiphytotic) with the help of supporting beneficial processes (entomophagic) from the "natural biomethod" arsenal. A positive example of the implementation of this principle can be the creation of structures for wintering, special micro-reserves (crops of nectarifers) in order to preserve the biodiversity of plant species and invertebrates. Thanks to such biological methods, it becomes possible to reduce the number of chemical treatments and restore the number of natural populations of natural enemies. The aim of our research was to develop a method that includes the elaboration and placement of artificial constructions filled with certain materials in the agrocenosis to attract, monitor and accumulate entomophages for wintering in the agrocenosis for biological plant protection.The object of the study was artificial constructions placed in various agrocenoses.The research was carried out in 2021-2022 on the experimental fields of the Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection. Artificial constructions for entomophages were developed and applied for research purposes. The constructions are collapsible, contain various types of filler materials and do not contain synthetic materials.The main factors affecting the number of beneficial insects attracted to wintering with the help of artificial constructions were established: a) the vast majority of entomophages of the genus Chrysopa choose south-facing nest structures for wintering in well-lit places (86%). The height of the traps placement has a multifunctional effect: a) to attract and monitor entomophages of the genus Chrysopa, the height of the constructions should be 2 m above the ground surface; b) to attract representatives of the orders Hymenoptera and Coccinellidae, the height of the artificial constructions should be 1 m above the ground and below. The materials that have demonstrated the best results in attracting entomophages of the genus Chrysopa for wintering are walnut shells and rhubarb stalks