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Scientific Studies and Research. Series Mathematics and Informatics

Peer Review

The editorial board is commited to accept only high-quality papers for publication. All scientific papers submitted to "Scientific Studies and Research. Series Mathematics and Informatics" are peer-reviewed, as follows:

  1. Papers should be submitted to the editor-in-chief, by e-mail.
  2. Received papers are first analyzed by the editorial board, that can reject those papers that have an improper scientific level or do not fit in the topics of the journal.
  3. The papers passing the above step are analyzed by two scientific reviewers, experts in the field of the paper.   The reviewers send to the editor-in-chief a Manuscript evaluation form (report), containing their opinions on the scientific content of the paper and their recommendation on accepting/accepting with corrections/rejecting the paper.
  4. The editor-in-chief   send the reports to the corresponding author, in order to modify the paper according to the suggestions of the reviewers.
  5. After the revision of the paper, the editor- in-chief checks if all corrections have been made and communicates the decision on the publication to the corresponding author.

See also in SSRSMI:

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