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Rushdie’s Ideology in Midnight’s Children through History and Plural Identities

Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey


CP, Number 16


No. 16 (2011)  Editorial


In his novel Midnight’s Children, Salman Rushdie portrays his ideological positioning in a unique way. He changes the perception of history by retelling a nation’s history through Saleem’s personal (hi)story implying that a unique history of a nation can be constructed with fragmented stories of its people who represent all the cultural values and backgrounds of the country. A single person may have plural identities and both the clash and unity of plural identities constitute a unique identity as well as a unique nation. This study includes the analysis of Midnight’s Children as a quest of Rushdie’s representation of ideology through self storying, history and historiographic metafiction and plural identities.


Salman Rushdie, Midnight’s Children, ideology, history, identity, postcolonial literature, postmodern literature.

Code [ID]:

CP201116V00S01A0005 [0003788]


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