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Peer Review

All scientific papers (original scientific papers, short communications, and reviews) are subject to a peer-reviewing procedure, as follows:

  1. In a first step, manuscripts should be submitted by e-mail, as attached document, to redactia_ciba@ub.ro. For manuscript preparation, see Instructions for Authors.
  2. The manuscript should be accompanied by a Cover Letter signed by the corresponding author on behalf of all authors of the paper. The Cover Letter, dated and signed in blue ink, should be submitted to the Editorial Office both by regular mail and by e-mail (as attachment, in pdf format).
  3. Manuscripts that are not accompanied by a Cover Letter as stated in paragraph 2 will be automatically rejected.
  4. Manuscripts that are not accompanied by a Cover Letter as stated in paragraph 2 will be automatically rejected.
  5. On topic papers will be primary tested with anti-plagiarism software. If the paper is suspected of plagiarism, it will be rejected and the Editorial Board notices the authors that they are not welcomed anymore to submit other papers for publication in the journal. The papers will be analyzed by anti-plagiarism software “Plagiarism Detector” approved by the Ministry of Education.
  6. On topic papers will be analyzed by at least two scientific reviewers, experts in the field. The reviewers’ identity will not be disclosed to the authors (blind peer review). The reviewers give their advice on publication opportunity, together with their observations to the editor in chief, which will transmit them to the authors. If the referents have contrary opinions, the editor in chief may ask the opinion of a third referent.
  7. The editor in chief assumes the final decision on:
    1. accepting
    2. accepting with minor modifications
    3. accepting with major modifications
    4. rejecting the manuscript
    and communicates it to the corresponding author.
  8. Accepted papers, modified or re-written according to reviewers’ observations are due within 15 days after notification. If modified/re-written papers are out of the 15 days term, they will be treated as new submitted papers and the peer-review process starts from the beginning.
  9. Accepted manuscripts, in their final format, should be remitted by the corresponding author, within three working days after the acceptance notification accompanied by Author Puublication Agreement signed by all authors.
  10. Rejected manuscripts are not returned to the authors.
  11. No charges for scientific analysis of the paper, for processing to publication and for the publication in fact.

See also in SCSCC6: