Scientific Study & Research - Biology

‘STUDII ȘI CERCETĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE.BIOLOGIE-SCIENTIFIC STUDY AND RESEARCH. BIOLOGY’ is a scientific journal edited under the aegis of ‘Vasile Alecsandri’ University from Bacău, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology, Ecology and Environmental Protection, by the Alma Mater Publishing House from Bacău and it is issued by the Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology, Ecology and Environmental Protection.
The journal was first issued in 1996 as an annual publication. Starting with 2007, due to the large number of articles and to the increasing advances of science, the journal started to appear biannualy.
The journal is indexed in the following international databases:
The journal language is English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of these).
The main objective of our journal is to provide a forum for high quality articles from different fields of plant and animal Biology. It covers all areas of Biology, whether fundamental or applied, including: General Biology, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Genetics, Ecology, Microbiology, Anatomy, Morphology, Systematics, Taxonomy, Zoology, Physiology, Cytology, Histology, Embryology, Anthropology, Toxicology, Biotechnology, Agriculture, Horticulture, Human Medicine, Biochemistry and Biophysics.
The journal ‘Scientific Study and Research. Biology’ accepts for publication three types of articles:
- General articles (maximum 8 pages) to underline the important areas of Biology.
- Research focus articles (at least 4-6 pages) to highlight new and emerging results obtained in the above mentioned Biology subjects.
- Review articles comprising valuable original data.
The Editorial Advisory Board reunites prestigious personalities in Biology and adjacent fields, both Romanian members and from abroad.
Our peer-reviewed articles are written by internationally respected scientists, researchers and practitioners with exceptional results.
Code |
Print ISSN: 1224-919Xel ISSN: 2457-5178 |
Chief Editor |
Editorial Board |
- Daniela Nicuță
- Dumitra Răducanu
- Roxana-Elena Voicu
- Cristina-Gabriela Grigoraș
- Andrei-Ionuț Simion
Editorial Office |
“VasileAlecsandri” University of Bacau, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology, Ecology and Environment Protection, 157 Marasesti Street, 600115 - Bacau, Romania
e-mail: scsb.journal@ub.ro; web: www.ub.ro |
(issues list) |
See also in SCSB: